If you can prove that you have Hungarian ancestors you can apply for the confirmation of your own Hungarian citizenship in a quick and easy process either in Hungary or in a Hungarian embassy. You need to however speak the language as well on a conversational level, should be able to fill out all the forms by yourself at the time of your interview and answer all the questions they ask you when you submit your request.

Even if you don’t speak a single word at the moment, I can help you to wake up your inner Hungarian. I have worked out an outlined development plan that can be interpreted for different levels. Depending on your pace and the time you can devote to your studies it will be a different time scale for each of you until you achieve the desired result. I can estimate completion time after getting to know you a bit better…your skills, your learning habits etc. That takes a few lessons. Some soak up the information like sponge soaks up the water and needn’t practice so much, they still remember what they’ve learned. This matched up with some extra time in your hands to prectice results in a very good level in a few months. Others need more time and practice to retain the knowledge they are gaining on my lessons…and we will practice and practice as much as you need to get there.

We are all different, and our brains work differently, but if you finish this plan with me, you will have the relevant vocab and good enough grammar to pass the test. You might not be confident in all life situations as these topics are focusing on your citizenship interview, but should you wish to explore other topics, we can most certainly arrange that 😉

On the following tabs you can find the topics that I am advising to definitely touch on before you take on your interview:




VOCAB Introduction – Who am I?

Describing objects – What is it like?

Most common adjectives


GRAMMAR Vowel harmony

Basic sentence structure

Conjugation of ’TO BE’




VOCAB The place where I live

Dates and time (ordinal numbers)

My daily routine

GRAMMAR Indefinite verb conjugation ( regular and irregular verbs)

Endings for ’in’, ’at’ and ’on’

The use of adverbs (time and place)



VOCAB My family 1.

My home

Describing people

GRAMMAR Possessive case



VOCAB What do I like to do? (Hobbies and activities, likes and dislikes, habits)

Shopping/Restaurant – How much does it cost?

GRAMMAR Accusative case

Movements: concerning endings and adverbs



VOCAB My family 2.

My life story

GRAMMAR Past tense of basic words (indefinite conjugation)





Filling out the application form and optional topics (student’s choice)